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The Zambia Tax Platform ZTP says it is concerned with the continued abuse of public resources, as revealed by the recent Auditor General’s (AG) report.

The report reveals that in the education sector between 2006 and 2022, a staggering $401.8 Million designated for the procurement of school material was misused and also $44.9 Million  allocated for fertilizer still remains unaccounted for to date.

ZTP Coordinator Elijah Mumba says the revelation is alarming, especially that schools in the country has for many years faced challenges including inadequate school material, poor infrastructure and low teacher to pupil ratios.

“The law enforcement agencies should pick up all cases cited in the report that potentially amount to financial crimes for further investigation and possible prosecution,” Said Mr. Mumba in a statement issued to RCV News in Lusaka today.

He said that this will not only help recover part of the resources, but also act to deter those that might want to engage in similar acts.

By Bibiana Lambart

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