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Zambia Consumer Association (ZACA) Executive Secretary, Juba Sakala, says government should put aside resources to prevent potential climate change-related challenges.

Mr. Sakala said in a statement issued to RCV News in Lusaka today that there is need for government to prepare for eventualities such as droughts and floods instead of waiting for them to occur.

And Mr. Sakala said government should start working on alternative energy sources to mitigate the impact of climate change.

He also urged consumers to adapt to changes to avoid being caught off guard, as last-minute planning is costly.

“Many citizens find it difficult to use alternative energy sources due to financial constraints,” said Mr. Sakala.

He has since called on the government to implement a comprehensive and affordable alternative energy source package for all citizens, which would help conserve the remaining resources and combat the impact of climate change.

“The high cost of energy sources leads to increased tree-cutting, which harms the country,” observed Mr. Sakala.


By Eva Hatontola