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Zambia’s Ambassador to Germany, Winnie Chibesakunda, has presented her Letters of Credence to the President of Slovenia, Nataša Pirc Musar, accrediting her as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Slovenia on a non-residential basis.

The ceremony was conducted at the Presidential Palace in Ljubljana, the capital city of Slovenia.

Ambassador Chibesakunda reaffirmed Zambia’s commitment to maintaining and strengthening relations with Slovenia.

After presenting her  Letters of Credence, Ambassador Chibesakunda said there are many sectors in which Zambia and Slovenia can cooperate including agriculture, education, health, water management and reticulation as some of the key areas in which to strengthen cooperation.

And President Nataša Pirc Musar pointed out that there are strong opportunities for cooperation in agriculture.

Dr. Musar noted that Slovenia is currently running a “wonderful” project in Zambia on beekeeping and that there is a window of opportunity for the two countries to do more.

The President further said Slovenia fully supports efforts for Africa to have a permanent seat at the United Nations.

This is contained in a statement issued to RCV News in Lusaka today by First Secretary-Press, Zambia’s Embassy in Germany, Lubinda Kashewe.


By Eva Hatontola