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The Mongu Subordinate Court has sentenced two former ZESCO employees to 18 months imprisonment with hard labor for corrupt practices involving K10,000.

ACC Corporate Head Communications Timothy Moono says Brian Lupasa, a former ZESCO Senior Electrician and Derrick  Kwalombota, a former ZESCO General Worker in Mongu, were arrested in September 2023 by the Commission and jointly charged with 2 counts of Corrupt Practices by Public Officers contrary to the laws of Zambia.

Mr. Moono said that Particulars of the offence in count 1 were that Brian Monde and Derick Kwalombota on dates between 1st November, 2022 and 30th November, 2022 at Mongu, being public officers, jointly and whilst acting together did corruptly solicit for the sum of K10,000 cash gratification, from a named person as an inducement to avoid the prosecution of the said person for engaging in electricity power bypass.

“In count two, particulars were that Brian Lupasa and Derrick Kwalombota during the same period corruptly received the sum of K3,000 cash gratification from the named person as an inducement for them to avoid prosecuting the said person for having engaged in electricity power bypass,” said Mr. Moono in a statement issued to RCV News in Lusaka today.

He said that in passing the sentence, Magistrate Kalifano Manyepa, pursuant to Section 41(c) of the Anti-Corruption Act No. 3 of 2012, ordered that the K3,000 which was received by the convicts as gratification be forfeited to the State and the convicts be remanded in prison to serve the 18 months sentence.

By Angel Kasabo



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