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A European Union (EU) funded project ‘Strengthening the Respect for Environmental Rights in Zambia’ has trained Rights Holders in Kabwe on essential knowledge about environmental rights, pertinent laws, and the proper channels for reporting violations. 

Gracing the occasion, Centre for Environment Justice ( CEJ) Executive Director, Maggie Mwape, acknowledged the government’s efforts to address environmental violations not only in Kabwe District but across Zambia.

She emphasized that the workshop is a crucial part of the “Strengthening the Respect for Environmental Rights in Zambia” project.

Ms Mwape said the initiative is a joint effort involving HIVOS, CEJ, and the Zambia Institute of Environmental Management, supported by the EU.

She said  the project is implemented in five districts of Kabwe, Sinazongwe, Serenje, Kitwe, and Mufulira.

“The main objective of the project is to bring about meaningful improvements in Zambia’s environmental rights framework,” said Ms. Mwape

She said that the three-year project focuses on enhancing technical knowledge, refining laws and policies, raising public awareness, and ensuring accountability on environmental matters.

Ms Mwape emphasized that rights holders have a crucial role in exercising and upholding environmental rights within their communities.

Speaking at the same event, CEJ Monitoring and Evaluation Officer, Haggai Nyambe, highlighted both Human and Environmental Rights.

By Eva Hatontola