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Stanbic Bank Zambia has partnered with Mimshake Engineering Consultants in Hosting the Energy Forum for Africa (EFFA) to be held in Lusaka from 14 to 16th August.

The conference is aimed at fostering dialogue, promoting sustainable development and exchanging ideas on investment opportunities in the Energy sector.

Speaking during a Press Briefing in Lusaka today, Stanbic Bank Zambia, Head Corporate Investment, Helen Lubamba, said the Bank remains a significant partner in driving Zambia’s Growth that  includes the Energy sector, a key driver to the growth of the Economy.

Mrs. Lubamba Emphasised the threat of Climate change which has poised serious  challenges on the development of the Economy.

“To navigate this evolving landscape and shape our future, it is very important that we identify new solutions, anticipate and understand innovations that could improve our power Nation power generation capacity in the face of climate Change change” said Mrs. Lubamba.

Mrs. Lubamba said Stanbic Bank decided to partner at this year’s EFFA to play a role in providing solutions towards addressing the various challenges such in the Energy sector.

She said the Bank has donated K500,000.00 towards the hosting of the conference.

And receiving the donation, Mimshack Engineering Consultants Chief Executive Director, Hope Chanda thanked the Bank for being a part in finding solutions regarding the Energy sector in sustainable Energy solution and for being a platinum sponsor.


By Patrick Muhau.