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Mpika Constituency Member of Parliament, Francis Kapyanga, has urged stakeholders and the Energy Regulation Board (ERB ) to reject proposed plans by ZESCO to increase electricity tariffs as part of the drought response plan.

Last Week, Minister of Energy, Makozo Chikote, announced that the current ZESCO tariffs were insufficient to meet the cost of power imports, adding that government is consulting with various stakeholders  to design a tariff mechanism that allows the utility company to recover its cost during the drought response period.

But Mr. Kapyanga said that it is unfair for ZESCO to apply for electricity tariff increase, when people are barely surviving under the current tariffs.

“It is hypocritical for ZESCO to demand more money from struggling citizens when their businesses are closing due to ZESCO’s inefficiency and failure to cancel power exports,” said Mr. Kapyanga in a statement issued to RCV News in Lusaka today.

He said that the proposed increase will lead to more suffering, business closures, and economic hardship for the majority of Zambians.


Angel Kasabo