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The Rural Electrification Authority, REA, has commissioned a 34KWp Solar Mini-Grid in Nkandanzovwu area of Kalomo District in Southern Province.

The Project, whose works started in 2023, was Constructed at more than K4.1 Million.

Speaking during the project commissioning in Kalomo today, REA Director of Engineering Services Alex Mbumba said the project is expected to benefit about 22,000 households, as well as schools and clinics in the area.

Mr. Mbumba said about 928 pupils from the schools in the area are equally expected to gain direct benefit from the project.

He said REA has been increasing the off grid connections to accelerate the agenda of electrifying rural areas.

“Since last year, REA has worked on 143 projects, 29 of which are off grid with 17 being solar powered,” said Mr. Mbumba.

Mr. Mbumba was speaking on behalf of REA Chief Executive Officer Linus Chanda.

Speaking at the same launch, Dundumwezi Member of Parliament Edgar Singombe said the launched solar power grid has been long overdue in the area.

Mr. Singombe said the Nkandanzovwe community was promised power more than 50 years ago when they were displaced to pave way for the construction of the Kariba Dam.

He said the launched power will improve the lives of the people in the area.

And Southern Province Deputy Permanent Secretary Yolanta Malunga said that the rural electrification project aims to increase Zambia’s rural power consumption from the current 8.1% to more than 51% by 2030.

Ms. Mumba spoke on behalf of Energy Minister Peter Kapala.

By RCV News

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