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Zambia Public Procurement Authority (ZPPA) Acting Director General Justine Matimuna has called on procuring entities to submit annual procurement plans to the Authority by 31st December 2024, using the Electronic Government Procurement Platform E-GP.

Speaking at a Press briefing in Lusaka today, Mr. Matimuna said all procuring entities are directed to use the E-GP system in accordance with Section 16 of the Public Procurement Act, which mandates all procuring entities to use the system for all procurements.

“Procuring entities that submit their annual procurement plans on E-GP system are not required to submit hard copies to the Authority,” said Mr. Matimuna.

Mr. Matimuna said annual procurement plans make it easy for the authority to monitor compliance and provide suppliers with available business opportunities in various procuring entities.

Meanwhile, Mr. Matimuna said ZPPA has 105 procuring entities in the full usage of the E-GP system in the period under review, bringing the total number of procuring entities trained to 635 since inception in 2016.


By Margaret Mwanza


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