The Zambia Police Service has warned against requesting and sharing of the viral Equatoria Guinea Sex Tapes, allegedly involving  that country’s senior official from the Ministry of Finance.

Police Spokesperson, Rea Hamoonga says the videos, which are alleged to depict acts of a sexual nature in various locations, constitute illegal content under the laws of Zambia.

Mr. Hamoonga says  possession, distribution, or circulation of pornographic or explicit content is a criminal offense in Zambia, as stipulated in the Penal Code and the Cyber Security and Cyber Crimes Act.

“Sharing or soliciting such material on social media or any other platform not only contravenes our laws but also perpetuates the violation of individuals’ privacy rights and fuels harmful behavior within communities,” warned Mr. Hamoonga in a statement issued to RCV News in Lusaka today.

He said the Zambia Police Service is closely monitoring the situation and said anyone found soliciting, sharing, or distributing these videos will be investigated and held accountable in accordance with the full extent of the law.


RCV News