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Minister of Home Affairs and Internal Security Jack Mwiimbu has announced that all previous passport applications at passport office in Lusaka have been printed and produced for individual applicants to collect.

Mr. Mwiimbu says this is after complaints from members of the public who submitted application forms for passport acquisition, complained of delayed issuance of the passport booklets.

He said that the ministry acknowledged the complaints as genuine and ordered a huge number of passport booklets which were received in the month of April 2024.

“The delayed passport booklets can be attributed to the low stock levels of the booklets which were reserved for emergency cases such as those seeking medical attention abroad, scholarships and other cases that the passport office viewed exceptional,” said Mr. Mwiimbu in a statement issued to RCV News in Lusaka today.

Mr. Mwimmbu said that passport office currently has  cleared all the backlogs, adding that the ministry remains committed to serving the general public with integrity and fairness.

By Angel Kasabo

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