Parrogate Zambia Limited has donated 40, 000 exercise books to the Ministry of Education worth Five Hundred Thousand Kwacha to contribute to the educational advancement of learners across the country.

Speaking today during the handover ceremony in Lusaka, Organization Corporate Affairs Manager Emmanuel Mbewe said the donation represent a commitment to fostering academic excellence, encouraging intellectual growth and nurturing the potential of each learner who will use them.

‘It is Parrogate’s sincere hope that these resources will facilitate diligent study, inspire creativity and contribute to the holistic development of the future leaders of society,” said Mr. Mbewe.

Has since urged learners who will receive the exercise books to make the most of them and use the opportunity to not only enrich their own lives, but also make a meaningful contribution to their communities and the nation at large.

And speaking when he received the books, Education Permanent Secretary- Education Services, Joel Kamoko commended Parrogate Zambia Limited for the donation of 40,000 exercise books which he said will support the efforts of providing free primary education  to all children, thereby, improving literacy and numeracy skills which are essential for academic success.

He has since called on other private sector players to join hands with government in supporting the provision of education

The 40, 000 exercise books will be distributed in all the 10 provinces of the country.

By Margaret Mwanza