The Mongu Municipal Council says over K4 million has been paid to 8,317 Cash–for–work (CFW) beneficiaries in Mongu district since the program’s inception in August last year.

The local Authority says it has disbursed K4, 990,200 benefiting over 8,000 local people in both Mongu Central and Nalikwanda constituencies.

“The CFW beneficiaries are getting a K600 each for the 10 days they worked for,” said Council Assistant Public Relations Manager Abigail Sitenge in a statement issued to RCV News in Lusaka today.

Ms. Sitenge said a total of K590,825 was received from the Ministry for August and a total of K2,954,085 for September allocation.

She said in October, the Council received K3, 405,000 and later received K3,487,303 in November.

Ms. Sitenge said the Ministry is yet to send the December and January CFW funding, stating that the payments are ongoing as not all the beneficiaries have been paid.

She said the Council is still facing challenges in making payments to most beneficiaries from Nalikwanda Constituency due to network failure but that all beneficiaries will be paid once the issue is resolved.

She has also highlighted that late submission of lists of beneficiaries from wards is also a challenge and that the Local Authority through the Finance Department will only pay beneficiaries after thorough verification of the lists and registered contact numbers to ensure that the details tally.

By Margaret Mwanza