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Opposition Citizens First Deputy Secretary General Politics and Operations, Cephas Mukuka, has opposed plans by ZESCO limited to increase the electricity tariffs as a response to the drought that has affected power availability.

The Energy Regulation Board ERB will tomorrow announce on whether or not it has approved an application by ZESCO to increase the electricity tariffs to raise money for power imports.

But Dr. Mukuka says allowing ZESCO to increase the tariffs will have  multiplier negative effects, saying that essential commodities like sugar, cooking oil, salt, and ,Mealie Meal will increase.

“This will also increase the cost of production to the already struggling firms in the production of goods and services,” said Dr. Mukuka in a statement issued to RCV News in Lusaka today.

He has however urged ZESCO to broaden their customer base through the Rural Electrification Authority (REA) to increase their revenue.


Angel Kasabo