St. John Zambia, an international first aid training non-governmental organization has called on the public to consider learning first aid skills as a priority of every household.

Organization Social Enterprise Coordinator, Joel Ngwira, says there is need for the public to take interest in learning the first aid skills as this will result in many people saving lives in any circumstances.

Mr. Ngwira told RCV News in an interview that the Organization has since launched the “One Household, One First Aider” Campaign to raise awareness on the importance of first aid skills at individual, household and community level.

“There is need for every household to have someone with basic knowledge on first aid to help preserve lives in cases of emergencies”, said Mr. Ngwira.

He said the Organization is also collaborating with different churches across the country in raising awareness on the importance of the campaign as this will also help many to acquire a lifesaving skill.


By Margaret Mwanza