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Opposition Patriotic Front PF President, Miles Sampa, has urged all PF members, who do not consider him as party president, to accept facts and respect the courts decision on the matter.

Mr. Sampa said this in Lusaka today when he featured on Hot Fm’s Hot seat program, monitored by RCV News.

He said individuals in the PF, that still want to challenge his presidency through the courts. are delaying the progression of the party.

“Members should now avoid legal battles and focus on rebranding the party for the 2026 general elections,” said Mr. Sampa.

Meanwhile, Mr. Sampa said the UPND risk being voted out of power in 2026 if they do not fulfil their campaign promises on fuel, Mealie Meal and the exchange rate.

Mr. Sampa said that Zambians will not accept excuses of how damaged the economy was, but will look at results in 2026.


By Angel Kasabo


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