Ministry of Green Economy and Environment Permanent Secretary, Douty Chibamba, has stressed the need to improve weather forecasting in the country.

Dr. Chibamba says efficient weather forecasting helps communities prone to weather calamities such as floods and drought plan and change behavioral patterns in view of climate change.

Speaking when he officiated at the weather and climate information services early warning for Southern Africa production and testbed 2 preparatory co-design workshop in Lusaka today, Dr. Chibamba also called for simplified weather forecast information to enable ordinary Zambians translate the information.

“The ministry is however impressed with the weather and climate information services project that seeks to train forecasters provide weather information  every after 2 hours in a day” said Dr. Chibamba.

He said that providing weather forecasts every after 2 hours will enable communities effectively plan both in the agriculture sector and weather calamities.

Angel Kasabo