Maamba Collieries Limited has been issued two Large Scale Exploration Licenses for Lithium and other minerals in Southern Province.

Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines Limited Investments Holdings, ZCCM – IH, which owns 35% of Maamba Collieries says the mining firm intends to commence exploration earliest  to ascertain the presence of the minerals in the licence areas.

ZCCM-IH Corporate Affairs Manager, Loisa Mbatha, says the licenses are valid for four years during which period the mine plans to carry out detailed exploration to ascertain the presence of mineable resources.

“The two license areas are located approximately 100 km southwest of the coal mine in Maamba,” said Ms. Mbatha in a statement issued to RCV News in Lusaka today.

She said that Lithium is part of the critical battery metals that ZCCM-IH has planned to explore for in its 2020-2026 strategic plan.

By Angel Kasabo