The Lusaka City Council (LCC) says it has embarked on a comprehensive sensitization and educational programme   for both traders and consumers to ensure informed decisions are made when purchasing products on the market.

LCC Assistant Public Relations Manager, Nyambe Bulumba, says the engagements with the communities aim at raising awareness to consumers on the risk of purchasing expired products.

“Be cautious about safety when purchasing goods, especially food items, by checking expiry dates as a way of demanding quality from the traders,” urged Mr. Bulumba in an interview with RCV News.

He said that the Local Authority is working with relevant authorities like Ministry of Youth, Zambia Bureau of Standards and the National Food and Nutrition Commission to ensure traders are complying with relevant laws and regulations and that consumers have access to safety and quality products.

Mr. Bulumba has since called on the public to report any suspicious or counterfeit products to the council for intervention.


By Margaret Mwanza