The Lusaka City Council (LCC) has demolished three illegal structures in Olympia namely: the car wash at which City Mayor, Chilando Chitangala, and her Aide-de Camp (ADC) were attacked by patrons and another one located at Ethiopian Restaurant.

“The Local Authority evoked the Urban and Regional Planning Act  No.3 of 2015  to demolish the said structures as one of measures to bringing order and sanity in the city,” said LCC Public Relations Manager, Chola Mwamba in a statement.

Ms. Mwamba said lack of adherence to the laid down procedures by the business owners necessitated the decisive action by the Council to demolish the three structures.

She said the Local Authority will continue its routine operations to inspect business premises in the city and those that will be found erring will face the wrath of law.

“Lusaka City Council will not relent in enforcing the laws regarding business operations in the city,” said Ms. Mwamba.


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