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The Kitwe City Council (KCC) has dispelled assertions that it is in the process of grabbing, rebuilding and relocating over 200 marketers at chisokone market.

There have been reports circulating regarding the relocation of traders and the demolition of makeshift shops at the frontage of the Chisokone market.

But Council Public Relations Manager Mwaka Nakweti says the council instead wants to complete the Chisokone market shelter, a project long overdue.

“The construction of the said shelter will require the relocation of about 89 traders whose structures were obstructing access for the contractor to mount poles for the shelter” said Ms. Nakweti in a statement made available to RCVnews in Lusaka today.

She said that the delayed completion of the shelter has inconvenienced over 500 traders who are forced to continue trading on the Chisokone One-way Road.

Ms. Nakweti has therefore urged the traders to cooperate with the council by ensuring that they voluntarily relocate to the secured sites before the commencement of the works at the site.

She said that Failure to do so will leave the local authority with no option but to demolish the structures that obstruct the pending works.

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