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Kawambwa Town Council has appealed to communities around Chansa Malamba and Kalembwe areas in Kawambwa Central Constituency to make use of the newly constructed Weirs and irrigation canals by expanding their agricultural activities.

Town Council Chairperson Kalumba Chifumbe was speaking during the inspection of the newly constructed Weirs and irrigation canals which were constructed by the Transforming Landscapes for Resilience and Development (TRALARD) project.

“The K 11 Million project is aimed at enhancing the farming activities in those areas, adding that this is the only way the district can become the food basket of the nation”, said Mr. Chifumbe.

Mr. Chifumbe said that time had come for the people in the district to take agriculture as a serious commercial venture, especially that the district was endowed with favourable rain pattern and fertile soil.

He said it was important for people in the Northern part to engage in various farming activities and double the food production at all cost.


By Bibiana Lambart


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