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The Lusaka Regional Immigration Office yesterday, apprehended 16 Burundian nationals during a routine clean-up operation.

The 16 were apprehended during the routine cleanup operation countrywide.

Immigration Public Relations Officer, Namati Nshinka told RCV News in a statement today that the 10 females and 6 males who were in the company of four infants, were found in a classroom of a named Mosque in Garden Chilulu and were apprehended for inconsistencies in their stated purpose of visiting the country.

Mr. Nshinka said the clean up operation was covered I Johnlaign, Makeni Konga, Ngwerere, Ng’ombe and Jack Compounds.

“Others apprehended during the operation were seven Congolese, two other Burundians and one Rwandese, bringing the total number to 28,” said Mr. Nshinka.

Meanwhile, Mr. Nshinka the Department nabbed 113 suspected illegal immigrants of different nationalities in similar operations aimed at addressing the increased influx of illegal immigrants.

He said that the Department also secured 14 convictions, removed 19 illegal immigrants from the country and refused two persons entry for failing to meet entry requirements.


By Margaret Mwanza