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The Human Rights Commission has condemned a group of youths, suspected to belong to the ruling UPND, that were yesterday seen and heard in a video circulating on social media, hauling insults at former President, Edgar Lungu.


Yesterday, some youths seen in UPND regalia marched by Drug Enforcement Commission offices, uttering insults at the former Head of State, as his wife Esther Lungu appeared for questioning.


Reacting to the said video, Commission  Spokesperson, Mweelwa Muleya called on the Zambia Police Service to protect the rights and dignity of everyone, including that of the former President, by enforcing the law equally without any form of discrimination.


He said such perpetrators of lawlessness and disorder  should be brought to book.


Mr. Muleya said the UPND came to power, appreciated for the restoration of the Rule of Law, particularly by ending the lawlessness and violence by party cadres that had become a norm during the previous government, saying lawlessness should not be allowed to return.


“Therefore, the Commission calls upon the police not to turn a blind eye to such acts of lawlessness, but take proactive action in order to end the culture of political hooliganism by arresting anyone engaging in lawlessness,” said Mr. Muleya.


He said arresting the perpetrator will send a strong message to would be offenders that political hooliganism no longer pays.


And Mr. Muleya urged politicians to refrain from violating the rights, dignity and reputation of their opponents and exercise utmost decorum in their discourse in the national and public interest.


He also called for co-existence, tolerance of divergent views, sobriety, the spirit of national unity, peace and love which he said are essential to creating a conducive environment for national development.


By Eva Hatontola