Green Party President Peter Sinkamba has bemoaned the level of illegal mining happening in Zambia which is leading to loss of lives.
Among many other illegal mining activities that are happening in the country, the Zambia army has unearthed another illegal mine in Mapatizya area of Zimba district, Southern Province.
But speaking in an interview with RCV News in Lusaka today, Mr. Sinkamba says that these illegalities have continued due to lack of formal employment for the youths, that have so far been the majority involved in these cases in search of precious stones to make ends meet.
“We have never had a scenario where so many people have died in illegal mining like it has been under the UPND regime, this is arising because the regulatory system has been compromised and run by cadres”, said Mr. Sinkamba.
He alleges that, such illegalities are happening because the regulatory system has not been properly funded to allow proper functionality hence the need for the government to revisit the system.
By Christabel Kamunu