Government has launched a Citizen Support Portal which will enable citizens to report issues, request assistance, and track the status of their requests in real-time.
The portal, developed by the Electronic Government Division (SMART Zambia Institute), aims to bridge the gap between citizens and the government, promoting transparency, accountability, and efficiency in service delivery.
Secretary to the Cabinet, Mr. Patrick Kangwa, told RCV News in a statement that the portal marks a milestone in Zambia’s journey towards a more connected and citizen-focused government.
“The Citizens Support Portal is a significant step towards creating a more responsive and citizen-cantered government,” said Mr. Kangwa.
And Secretary to the Cabinet of Namibia Dr. George Simataa has hailed government stating that his country has lot to learn from Zambia in citizen-centric governance especially with the launch of the Citizen Support Portal.
Meanwhile, SMART Zambia, National Coordinator, Mr. Percy Chinyama, stated that traditional way of just providing a service and not getting feedback has been proven ineffective but this innovation will enable government to meet citizens at their points of
By Cynthia Lupiya.