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Minister of Finance and National Planning Situmbeko Musokotwane says government will use all possible avenues to increase productivity in the agriculture sector in view of the drought situation.

In a statement issued to RCV News in Lusaka today, Dr. Musokotwane said this when he demonstrated the operations of a solar powered water pump in Luambimba river to residents of Sishekano ward, of Liuwa constituency in Western province.

“It is possible to have three harvests in a year if simple technology is applied”, Dr. Musokotwane said.

Dr. Musokotwane who is also member of parliament for Liuwa constituency said individuals or cooperatives can buy a solar power water pump and ramp up agriculture productivity using Constituency Development Fund, CDF, grants and loans.

He has since called on residents in the area including those near the surface water boards to embrace irrigation farming as a solution to the drought situation being experienced in the country.

And, Ivy, a resident of Milinga community said is hopeful that the solar water pumps will help in growing food for the family immediately as opposed to waiting until the next rainy season.

By Margaret Mwanza

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