Energy Expect, Boniface Zulu, has called on government to implement cost reflective tariffs to stabilize the energy sector.

Commenting on government’s statement that it will promote the use of off grid solutions such as industrial generators and solar system in the medium term, Mr. Zulu said that in as much this is sustainable, there is need for government to focus more on cost reflective tariffs as they will be more impactful on the sector.

Speaking in an interview with RCV News, Mr. Zulu said that implementing cost reflective tariffs will attract foreign and local investment which will necessitate the growth of the sector.

“Although cost reflective tariffs have a negative impact on the economy, the moment it is implemented, the long-term benefits outweigh the short term loses”, said Mr. Zulu.

He adds that by doing so government, will create an enabling environment and load shedding will be a thing of the past in Zambia.


By Christabel Kamunu