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The Copperbelt Trade and Development Forum (CTDF) has commended government and Vedanta Resources Plc for the commitment in revamping the economy of the Copperbelt province and the nation at large.

CTDF Executive Director, Vincent Lengwe, has applauded Vedanta Resources Plc on its renewed commitment to pay more than US$250 million towards its suppliers and contractors with an additional unprecedented collective bargaining gesture to award a 20% salary increment as it opens a new chapter of sustained stakeholder relations.

In a statement to RCV News today, Mr. Lengwe said KCM is not just one of the country’s largest and most strategic facility but also Vedanta’s most profitable subsidiary which sits on approximately 280 million metric tons of untapped viable mineral ore reserves with a life span of not less than 50 years

“KCM has the capability to contribute about 10% to the projected national target of producing 3 million metric tons of copper by 2032,” said Mr. Lengwe.

He has since reminded Vedanta Resources Plc that the remaining work-in-progress in terms of commitments is the most crucial one as it borders on the social license to operate and aspects of business and human rights within the broader framework of the Environment, Sustainability & Governance principles

Mr. Lengwe has further urged government to expeditiously facilitate the enactment of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative to improve mineral resource governance across the mining industry and optimize mineral revenue collection.

By Margaret Mwanza