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Ministry of Tourism has expressed concern on the rising number of incidents involving tourists who have been killed by wild animals while visiting Zambian National Parks.

This follows two separate incidents involving American tourists, who were killed through a hippo attack in Lower Zambezi and by an elephant in Mosi-o-tunya national parks.

Department of National Parks and Wildlife, Director Dominic Chiinda, says most incidents that have been recorded are caused by lack of precautionary personal safety measures and adherence to park rules and regulations.

Mr. Chiinda has cautioned tourists to not approach animals and take close photographs of them.

He has since appealed to tour operators in national parks to ensure they conduct routine pre-safari wildlife safety talks for both the guided tours and self-drive clients to ensure the safety of tourists.

“Government wishes to assure the citizens and international community that the national parks in Zambia are safe to visit,” said Mr. Chiinda in a statement issued to RCV News in Lusaka today.

By Chimba Chilopa