Some gospel artists have called on the media to support local artists by creating content that will promote artists to the world.

Speaking during the Mercy Chinwo in Zambia – Press Briefing and Partner Reveal today, one of the revealed supporting artists, Kaluba Bwalya also known as M7 says there is need for collaboration between the media and gospel artists, if the “Zambia ku chalo slogan” is to be realized.

“Even those called international artists have journalists in the background who paint the right pictures to promote them”, said Mr. Bwalya.

Other artists revealed to support the event include Pompi, Christine, Mag44 and Connie.

And Event Manager Mainza Haambote also known as Mainza Nation said the Mercy Chinwo in Zambia event slated for 25th May 2024 is set and open for possible sponsorship.

He said this after revealing supporting artists and partnering companies of the Mercy Chinwo in Zambia Event today.

He has called on possible sponsors to come on board and contribute to the success of the event.

Margaret Mwanza


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