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Finance and National Planning Minister, Situmbeko Musokotwane is in Nairobi, Kenya, for the 2024 Annual Meetings of the African Development Bank, AfDB Group, which have commenced today and will end on Friday, 31st, May, 2024.

Dr. Musokotwane is accompanied to Nairobi by Secretary to the Treasury Felix Nkulukusa and Bank of Zambia Deputy Governor – Operations, Francis Chipimo.

The Minister and his delegation were met on arrival in Nairobi, Sunday, by the Charge D’ Affaires at the Zambian High Commission Chancery, Albert Musemuna, who took the opportunity to describe Zambia’s participation in the meetings as a pivotal moment in strengthening development cooperation with AfDB Kenya and other partners and friends in developmental affairs.

Mr. Musemuna also said the AfDB Group Annual Meetings provide a perfect platform for the Government to sustain the current positive global interest in the various developmental initiatives, through the engagements lined-up for the delegation and the scheduled events.

Meanwhile, Dr. Musokotwane has tasked his delegation to go beyond the scheduled sessions by intensely engaging investors and attracting interest towards the prevailing investments opportunities in mining, agriculture production and the related value chain in Zambia.

He said other sectors that the delegation should woo investors in are the green economy and alternative energy sources, tourism development, infrastructure development through public-private partnerships, and other cross-sectoral prospects that have positive outcomes for growth, jobs, and wealth creation.

The delegation will also participate in a series of AfDB organized events, hold bilateral talks with other development partners, and engage investors.

This is according to a statement issued to RCV News in Lusaka today by office of the Secretary to the treasury.


By Eva Hatontola

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