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The Zambia Compulsory Standards Agency has seized and withdrawn from the market expired beverages valued at K2, 790 in Nakonde District of Muchinga Province.

The agency seized and withdrew from the market more than 20 crates of beverages from Punga Waba Kankwe and Ishmu Poultry Farms.

Agency Public Relations Officer Onishias Maamba says the enforcement action was conducted over the weekend during a spot check on different products supplied on the market.

“The seized products, which allegedly came from Lusaka a month ago, violated the Compulsory Standards Act No. 3 of 2017 and will be disposed of soon,” said Mr. Onishias in a statement issued to RCV News in Lusaka today.

He has since warned of punitive measures against entities which are manufacturing, importing and supplying beverages on the market without complying with the laws of Zambia.

Mr. Onishias said that the agency will continue conducting enforcement and public educative activities across Zambia in a bid to ensure that only safe products are supplied to consumers.


By Angel Kasabo


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