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The Electoral Reform Technical Committee (ERTC) has announced the completion of a comprehensive desk review of the current electoral laws and processes.

The ERTC was officially launched on 19th July 2024 to review and recommend reforms to Zambia’s electoral process.

Committee Spokesperson, Doreen Kabwe says the purpose of the desk review is to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the current electoral laws and processes, benchmark best practices from other jurisdictions, and establish a solid foundation for the subsequent stages of the reform process.

Ms. Kabwe said the crucial first step in the reform process has involved an in-depth examination of the existing legal framework governing elections, with the aim of identifying areas that require revision, enhancement, or modernization to better serve the democratic needs of our country.

“The review has provided the Committee with valuable insights and has highlighted key areas where reforms may be necessary to ensure a more transparent, fair, and efficient electoral process,” said Ms Kabwe in a statement issued to RCV News in Lusaka today.

Ms. Kabwe disclosed that the ERTC will be conducting sittings in all provinces starting September 2024, to facilitate stakeholder consultations.

She said that the consultations will allow for direct engagement with various groups, ensuring that the reform process is inclusive and reflective of the diverse perspectives within our nation.

By Chimba Chilopa