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The Energy Regulation Board (ERB) has approved thirty-four licence applications, and five construction permits in the renewable energy and petroleum sub-sectors, representing a combined investment of ZMW 2.46 billion.

The approvals were granted at the July licensing committee meeting, where thirty-five applications were considered  with one licence application rejected due to non-compliance with safety standards and regulations.

ERB Manager Public Relations, Namukolo Kasumpa, says the stringent licensing process demonstrates the Board’s commitment to promoting investment and growth in the energy sector, while maintaining strict adherence to safe practises and regulatory requirements that safeguard the well-being of the public.

“The approved licences cover diverse critical activities within the energy sector, which include the Retail of Liquefied Petroleum Gas, Importation, Supply, and Installation of Solar Energy Equipment and the Transportation, Importation and Retail of Petroleum Products,” said Mrs. Kasumpa  in a statement issued to RCV News in Lusaka today.

She said the ERB remains committed to fostering a transparent regulatory environment that promotes and facilitates sustainable energy alternatives, investment attraction and compliance to licence guidelines and standards within the energy sector.

By Eva Hatontola