Opposition Socialist Party Media Director , Brian Hapunda, says it is worrying that the diplomatic corps is silent over UPND cadres that recently  displayed thuggery behaviour during a funeral procession of their member , Brian Mizinga, at Leopards Hill Memorial Park in Lusaka.

Mr. Hapunda alleges that the said cadres then proceeded to Bauleni Compound, harassed motorists, looted shops belonging to Rwandese nationals, and damaged two diplomatic vehicles from the German Embassy.

Mr. Hapunda challenged the diplomatic corps to condemn the caderism and hooliganism displayed by the UPND cadres.

“The diplomatic Corps can no longer ignore the injustices faced by citizens with the recent damage to diplomatic vehicles by unruly UPND cadres,” said Mr. Hapunda in a statement issued to RCV News in Lusaka today.

He has also criticized the diplomatic corps of remaining silent on human rights violations by the UPND government and the erosion of democratic space in Zambia.

By Angel Kasabo