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Disability Rights Watch has asked government to divert some of the funds saved from the debt repayment, towards the socioeconomic sectors, to achieve positive benefits on the livelihood of citizens, especially those living with disabilities.

Zambia, on Monday reached a deal with its creditors to restructure more than $3.5bn of its international bonds with private investors, where creditors will forego $840m in claims.

Therefore, Disability Rights Watch Director Wamundila Waliuya, says the national debt relief has come at a crucial time when the country is facing a drought emergency, with households of persons with disabilities being highly impacted by food insecurity, among other challenges.

“Disability Rights Watch looks forward to seeing persons with disabilities directly benefiting from this debt relief” said Mr. Waliuya in a statement issued to RCV News in Lusaka today.

Mr. Waliuya also said his organization expects Government to allocate some funds towards the increase of learning and teaching resources for learners with disabilities in early childhood education, through to tertiary education level.

He said this should include the provision of accessible assistive technologies for all learners with disabilities on an equal basis with other learners without disabilities.


By Eva Hatontola


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