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ChildFund Zambia has launched an Emergency Nutrition Response Project worth $328,000 to complement government’s efforts in alleviating nutrition deficiencies.

ChildFund Zambia Country Director, Simba Machingaidze, says the initiative is a critical intervention aimed at addressing severe and moderate acute malnutrition among vulnerable populations.

Mr. Machingaidze said the project comes at a time when the country is facing several challenges due to the drought, which has led to significant food insecurity across Zambia.

“The drought has had a devastating impact on the communities, particularly in the four target districts of Shibuyunji, Kafue, Chilanga, and Chongwe,” said Mr. Machingaidze in a statement issued to RCV News in Lusaka today.

Mr. Machingaidze noted that the target districts have seen alarming increases in malnutrition rates, putting the lives and futures of children at risk.

He said the project, implemented in partnership with ChildFund Korea and KOICA, will run over the next three to four months.

Mr. Machingaidze said the primary goal is to provide immediate, life-saving nutritional support to 15,117 individuals, including 11,289 children aged 6 to 59 months and 3,828 pregnant and lactating women.

Angel Kasabo