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Centre for Environment Justice (CEJ) Executive Director, Maggie Mwape, has paid tribute to the United Nations Democracy Fund (UNDEF) for empowering civil society organizations to champion environmental justice in Zambia.

Ms Mwape expressed gratitude to UNDEF for believing in CEJ’s vision and accepting the organization as a partner.

She emphasized the importance of building a long-term, sustainable partnership with the United Nations.

Ms. Mwape highlighted the success of the recent meeting in Chongwe, stressing the importance of stakeholders working together rather than in silos.

She called for a more united voice to achieve climate justice and push the agenda of environmental justice.

The remarks were made during the establishment of a Technical Working Group as part of the “Strengthening Civil Society Voices for Climate Advocacy in Zambia” project.

Meanwhile, ZCCN Acting National Coordinator Lidya Chibambo praised CEJ’s efforts in the environmental space, emphasizing the need for more voices from civil society.

By Eva Hatontola