A man yet to be identified has committed suicide by hanging himself on a Water Tank, at Total Fuelling Station, in Lusaka’s Kalingalinga compound.

This is the third reported suicide case from Kalingalinga within a space of one month.

In an interview with RCV News at the scene, Kalingalinga ward 36 councilor , Mukubesa Nyoni, attributed the frequent suicide cases in the area to marital disputes.

Mr. Nyoni advised those undergoing marital issues or any other societal pressures to seek counselling from local health facilities.

He said suicide never solves anything but rather leaves the families of the deceased in further problems.

And members of the public interviewed have expressed sadness with the increased suicide cases in Kalingalinga, all involving men.

A Kalingalinga resident who sort anonymity said there is need to pay attention to the challenges affecting men in the area.

She said some men she has interacted with complain of economical challenges and debt.


By Eva Hatontola /Angel Kasabo