The Ministry of Tourism, through the Department of National Parks and Wildlife, DNPW, has signed a Co-Management Agreement with the Barotse Royal Establishment, BRE, Peace Parks Foundation and WWF Zambia, to support the sustainable management of Sioma Ngwezi Complex, in Western Zambia, for the next twenty years.

The Sioma Ngwezi Management Complex is a conservation area, including the Lower West Zambezi Game Management Area and Sioma Ngwezi National Park and forms an integral component of the Kavango Zambezi Trans-Frontier Conservation Area, the world’s largest trans-frontier conservation area.

In a statement issued in Lusaka today, DNPW Director Dominic Chiinda said the aim is to conserve Zambia’s wildlife resources for the socio-economic benefit of the nation.

“This Co-Management Agreement honors the strong values of leadership excellence, organizational values, responsible tourism and well-managed partnerships, and the precedents to be set around proper and progressive management, business and sustainability,” said Mr. Chiinda.

He said the two not-for-profit organizations will help DNPW and BRE set up the Foundation and then through this, raise funds to support the management costs of the Sioma Ngwezi Management Complex.

Mr. Chiinda said the ultimate goal is to generate revenues from a wide range of income-generating activities, including eco-tourism, carbon finance, sustainable agriculture, and community-based natural resource management programs.

The signing ceremony was held in Livingstone on the 27th of March 2024.


By Eva Hatontola

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