The Zambian School of Driving (ZSD) has commended government for translating the Zambian Highway Code in all the 7 major local languages including braille and Chinese.
ZSD says the translation of the Highway Code into local languages is a first ever initiative of its kind and will ensure that no Zambian including persons with disabilities is left out in terms of road safety education and driver training.
In a statement to RCV News in Lusaka today, ZSD Driver Improvement Program Officer Natasha Bwalya said driving schools will now be able to offer more effective training for all learners including those that are not able to understand English.
“The translation of the Highway Code could not have come at a better time than this time when government has introduced CDF skills training bursaries for youths which includes training in the driving skill,” said Mrs. Bwalya.
Mrs. Bwalya highlighted that with the ongoing CDF sponsored driver training programs, the translation into all major languages will help remove language barrier that the sponsored youths who are not so academically advanced have been facing during their driver training.
She has further recommended government to partner with TEVETA, driving schools and other stakeholders in the distribution of the translated Highway Code to make the training more effective.
By Margaret Mwanza