The Non-Governmental Gender Organizations’ Coordinating Council (NGOCC) has expressed concern over the high numbers of Gender Based Violence (GBV) cases in the country.
NGOCC Board Chairperson, Beauty Katebe, says the prevalence of GBV cases have been observed from the quarterly reports by the Zambia Police Victim Support Unit and media reports.
Ms. Katebe said that the current reports and trends show that anyone can either be a victim or a perpetrator.
“What remains a fact though, is that women and girls, form the most affected members of our community,’” said Ms. Katebe in a statement issued to RCV News in Lusaka.
Ms. Katebe has urged various stakeholders to play their role in reducing these cases further calling on women to be on the lookout for any forms of violence and report to relevant authorities for a more just society.
She has also urged government to expedite the revision of the Anti-GBV act no.1 of 2011, to enhance its effectiveness, to operationalize the Anti-GBV fund and to make various GBV-related remedies easier to access and afford.
By Margaret Mwanza