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United Prosperous and Peaceful Zambia (UPPZ) Leader, Charles Chanda, has put forward a proposal for electoral reforms in Zambia, advocating for a proportional representation system in Parliament.

Mr. Chanda has argued that such a system would ensure the number of seats a party holds in the National Assembly reflects the percentage of votes they receive during elections.

He has however criticized the current electoral framework, which he claims fosters unhealthy debates predominantly along party lines, limiting constructive dialogue and collaboration among representatives.

“The existing winner-takes-all system marginalizes smaller parties and stifles diverse viewpoints in Parliament,” said Mr. Chanda in a  statement issued to RCV News in Lusaka today.

He said that under the proposed system, if a party secures a certain percentage of votes in the election, it would gain a corresponding percentage of seats in the National Assembly.

Mr. Chanda said that the change  could lead to a more balanced and representative political landscape, allowing for broader input on legislation and policy-making.

Angel Kasabo