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Opposition United Prosperous and Peaceful Zambia (UPPZ) Leader, Charles Chanda, has raised concerns about what he has called political “alliances of convenience” emerging, as the 2026 elections draw nearer.

Mr. Chanda said in a statement issued to RCV News in Lusaka today, that many individuals are aligning themselves politically not to build a better Zambia, but to facilitate their own corrupt agendas under the guise of experience.

“We must not allow ourselves to be fooled by those who claim to bring experience to the table while masking their true motives. Political alliances should not be about enhancing corrupt practices but about charting a clear policy direction for our country” said Mr. Chanda.”

And Mr. Chanda said there is need for mining policy reforms to recognize the Jerabos as legal miners.

He said the framing of mining regulations should be re-evaluated so that Zambians can reclaim control over their resources.

“Our citizens deserve the right to mine and prosper from their land without being criminalized. We cannot perpetuate the notion that our own people are illegal in their homeland,” said Mr. Chanda.

By Eva Hatontola