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Governance and Human rights advocate, Noel Chisebe, has condemned threats made by opposition party leaders, particularly President Wright Musoma, against Lusaka Radio journalist Francis Chipalo during a press conference in Lusaka yesterday.

Mr. Chisebe says the threats and rebuke against Mr. Chipalo for asking legitimate questions about the opposition’s criticism of President Hichilema are unacceptable and put the journalist’s life in danger.

He said this behaviour is a blatant attack on press freedom and a violation of human rights and politicians must recognize the crucial role journalists play in promoting unity, democracy and development.

“As a signatory to the Geneva Convention on the protection of journalists and human rights, Zambia has an obligation to protect scribes and advocates,” said Mr. Chisebe in a statement issued to RCV News in Lusaka today.

Mr. Chisebe has demanded for an apology from President Wright Musoma and the opposition party leaders for threatening Mr. Chipalo.

He has since urged the government and relevant authorities to take concrete steps to ensure the safety and security of journalists.

By Chimba Chilopa