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Government through Zimba Town Council has commissioned three major Constituency Development Fund (CDF) community projects and disbursed over one million kwacha grant to 75 women clubs and youth cooperatives in Mapatizya constituency.

Area member of Parliament Emeldah Nkhata graced the ceremonies held at the civic centre for the grader, Zimba Secondary School for the water borehole and at Ngolongozya river for the bridge.

Mrs. Nkhata said the CDF projects being undertaken in the Constituency, are a testimony of how government is planning to transform rural constituencies that have been lagging behind in terms of development.

She said Ngolongozya bridge has been a death trap to  the people of Mapatizya Constituency before government rehabilitated it.

Mrs. Nkhata said the construction of  Ngolongozya bridge was successful because the  government  understands the economic and social value that it holds to  Zimba district particularly the farming community.

And Mrs. Nkhata commended government for addressing the water challenges at Zimba Secondary School using the disaster component of the CDF.

Meanwhile,  Mapatizya Constituency Development Fund committee Chairperson Joe Bbumelo said the construction of Ngolongozya bridge has shortened the distance from Zimba Town to the furthest side of Mapatizya.

He called for patience among the citizens as responds to all the challenges submitted to the council through the ward development committees.

By Eva Hatontola