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Minister of Technology and Science, Felix Mutati, has called on Zambians to embrace Artificial Intelligence (AI) saying it has come to stay and it will make life easier.

Mr. Mutati says AI will make it easy for the economy to run as it will enhance productivity and increase efficiency.

Speaking at the Future of AI in Africa Global Summit and Expo in Chongwe, Mr. Mutati said AI will help in enhancing the delivery of medicines, the mining of minerals and general welfare.

He said AI must not be feared as it is here to make life easier for all.

Mr. Mutati said government is moving with time by preparing an AI Strategy which will guide the nation on how to utilise the new phenomenon.

He said the strategy  is important as it will offer ways in which AI will be utilized to improve service delivery and improve the way of life.

And Compu Connect Education Chief Executive Officer, Sarah Njamu, said Africa must utilise Artificial Intelligence for its own benefit.

Ms. Njamu said Africa has challenges with digital Infrastructure which must be used as an opportunity for more investment.

By Eva Hatontola