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Minister of Home Affairs and Internal Security, Jack Mwiimbu, has refuted assertions that Petauke Central Member of Parliament, Emmanuel Banda, named his alleged abductors during interrogations with the police.

Mr. Mwiimbu says contrary to reports through his lawyers and members of the opposition , Mr. Banda decided to remain silent on who may have abducted him.

Speaking during a press briefing  in Lusaka today, Mr. Mwiimbu said that  Mr. Banda has instead decided to sue the state before investigations are concluded on the matter.

“Police will however continue to investigate the case and all perpetrators involved in the matter will be punished,” said Mr. Mwiimbu.

Meanwhile, Mr. Mwiimbu said that the successful hosting of a political rally by the opposition Citizens first party on the Copperbelt, is testament of the improving democratic space in the country.

He has however expressed disappointment with what he called bad language used  by former head of state, Edgar Lungu, to criticize government and the president.

Mr. Mwiimbu has since encouraged the opposition to offer credible checks and balances to the challenges Zambians are facing.


By Angel Kasabo