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Mwembeshi Remand Prison and Correctional Center Officer in Charge, Mwangala Kufuna, has called on the Christian community to consider having fellowship with inmates as such helps them to reflect and give their lives to Christ.

Speaking in an interview with RCV News after a crusade organized by the correctional facility over the weekend, Mr. Kufuna who is also Senior Assistant Commissioner said such activities lessens the pressure for most of the inmates who lose hope during their sentences and renew their faith in Christ.

Mr. Kufuna has commended Good News Global and Kingdom Harvest for coming on board and donating assorted items for the inmates.

And Event Organizer, Mwembeshi Remand Prison and Correctional Center Station Chaplain, Trust Sakala said such activities are important to the facility because inmates are also part of the kingdom of God.

Rev. Sakala said the purpose of the crusade is the see the inmates transformed and reformed before they leave the facility.

By Margaret Mwanza



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